We are happy to announce Leica Zeno FLX100 Smart Antenna, an affordable, centimeter level GNSS with a small form factor made for a variety of setups.
With the new Leica Zeno FLX100 Smart Antenna, you do not need a survey expert any more to get centimeter level accuracy. Used in combination with Zeno Mobile you increase the efficiency of your data collection.
FLX100 provides trustworthy data, ready to be used in industry ecosystems from Esri, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure etc.
The FLX100 can be used whichever way you want:
- On the pole for maximum precision
- As a handheld collector with a smartphone/tablet for quick point measurements
- Integrated with Detection Systems
- Simply standalone. Just place it directly on the asset you would like to measure
With the FLX100, accurate asset collection is now affordable for everyone.
C.R. Kennedy expect to have the product for sale in the coming weeks. Express your interest: