The Shift to Digital Construction


Industries across the spectrum, from utilities to transportation, are evolving to keep up with the pace of change driven by digital innovation. While some are being forced to change, others see the opportunity of embracing new technology to deliver efficiencies, cost savings or a better service.

From the robust high-range Professional-series scanners to the Leica BLK360 and the all-new RTC360 Reality Capture Solution, Leica Geosystems aim to empower everyone to plan and execute projects with higher quality.


Adopting a BIM workflow helps reduce rework by providing accurate information with every step of the way. This insight is the key to keeping projects on time and on budget. Whether you are taking a single scan to validate the work of a subcontractor or conducting a detailed as-built survey for planning and coordination, our industry-leading software solutions make it simple to create digital reality deliverables.

Digitalising your construction process should be simple. With building construction solutions from Leica Geosystems, we are helping the construction industry solve complex challenges with accurate easy-to-use instruments, and intuitive software so you can confidently move from manual analogue practices to modern digital technology and significantly lower your operational costs without disrupting your current workflow.

Smart reality capture and digital layout solutions help you bridge the gap between traditional methods such as plumb bobs and tape to digital construction workflows saving time, eliminating rework, gaining productivity and enabling you to reap long-term rewards.