Xwatch XW3 Angular Slew Limits
Special Purpose Machines
Slew Control
Controlling the slew of any machine used in construction is an important part of the safety and productivity equation. This is a part of the site safety puzzle that is often overlooked by contractors and their operators but can be simply addressed with the right equipment.

Angular Slew Limitation
Operation is fail safe and fully automatic with function selection never more than two key presses away. Dependent on installed options XW3 supports angular slew limits. Slew speed will ramp down on approach to a limit, and soft-stop at the limit. Full power is always available if moving away for a slew limit.
A slew limit can be either manually keyed in or set automatically by positioning the machine equipment and pressing HERE. Set up is simple, quick, and can be protected with an optional access key switch. All settings are retained and will be active on start-up. XW3 measures to the front end equipment centre line. Tool width must be taken into consideration when manually setting limits.

Brand: Xwatch Safety Solutions |
Code: XW03.001
Supplier Code: XW03.001
Brand: Xwatch Safety Solutions |
Code: XW03.001
Supplier Code: XW03.001
At a glance
The XW3 is a dedicated slew control system designed to restrict the machine to working within set left and right slew parameters. Angular slew is referenced from the centre point of the machine to give a “V” shaped basic left and right control in front of the operator allowing operation for working within the set limits.Excavators
Special Purpose Machines