Vivax Metrotech VM-550 Locator (include Carry Bag)

  • Vivax Metrotech VM-550 Locator (include Carry Bag)
  • Vivax Metrotech VM-550 Locator (include Carry Bag)

  • Rugged and lightweight
  • Visual and audio response
  • Passive and active locate modes
  • Pushbutton depth of cover reading
  • VM 500 Series are general-purpose locators that detect buried utilities in various situations. With a 50/60Hz passive power locating frequency and three active frequencies, the VM 500 series locators will meet the requirements of those wishing to detect the presence of active power cables and trace short ranges. The 1-Watt transmitter also has the additional frequency of 8kHz Fault-find, so it can be used to detect the presence of ground-to-sheath faults on cable when used with the VM-510 Stand Alone A-Frame fault locator.

    1-Watt Transmitter applies a locate frequency by direct connection or induction. Optional Induction Clamps can clamp around a line and induce the locate signal onto it.

    550-G004-I - Brochure
    Product Manuals
    Vivax Metrotech VM-550 Locator (include Carry Bag) - Product Manual
    Vivax Metrotech VM-550 Locator (include Carry Bag) - Specifications

    Related Categories Cable Avoidance Locators

    Brand: Vivax Metrotech | Code: 550-G004-I
    APN: 9319499204051 | Supplier Code: 550-G004-I

    Brand: Vivax Metrotech | Code: 550-G004-I
    APN: 9319499204051 | Supplier Code: 550-G004-I

    At a glance

  • Rugged and lightweight
  • Visual and audio response
  • Passive and active locate modes
  • Pushbutton depth of cover reading
    Related Categories Cable Avoidance Locators