Kestrel 5200 Weather Meter with LiNK

  • Kestrel 5200 Weather Meter with LiNK
$1,180.00 ETA: 25/03/2025

  • Great for construction, pouring concrete, balancing HVAC systems, and spraying crops.
  • Waterproof with data logging
  • Evap. rate, air Flow, Delta T & air density

This version of the Kestrel 5200 comes installed with Kestrell's Link software. It is designed to quickly and easily configure your data transmission frequency, download logged data, graph data and transfer data to other applications. It is no longer necessary to purchase an interface separately, the new Kestrel Meters with Bluetooth include the software necessary to communicate wirelessly at a range of up to 100 feet with a clear line of site.

  • Great for construction, pouring concrete, balancing HVAC systems, and spraying crops.
  • Waterproof with data logging
  • Evap. rate, air Flow, Delta T & air density




 Specification Range

Wind Speed 
(Air Flow)

Larger of 3% of reading, least significant
digit or 20 ft/min

0.1 m/s
1 ft/min
0.1 km/h
0.1 mph
0.1 knots
1 B
0.1 F/S

0.6 to 40 m/s
118 to 7,874 ft/min
2.2 to 144 km/h
1.3 to 89.5 mph
1.2 to 77.8 knots
0 to 12 B

Ambient Temperature

.9 Fahrenheit
0.5 Celsius

0.1 F
0.1 C

-20 to 158 F
29 to 70 C

Relative Humidity

2 % RH

0.1 % RH

10 to 90% 25 C non-condensing


1.5 mbar at 25 C, 700-1100
mbar/ +-0.044 in Hg at 77 F/20.67-32.48 in Hg/

0.022 PSI 10.15-15.95 PSI

0.01 in Hg
0.1 hPa/mbar
0.01 PSI 

25 C/77 F
700-1100 mbar/20.67-32.48 in Hg/10.15-15.95 PSI

Kestrel 5200 Weather Meter with LiNK - Datasheet
Product Manuals
Kestrel 5200 Weather Meter with LiNK - Product Manual
Related Categories Compasses and Clinometers

Brand: Kestrel | Code: 0852LHVG-LOF
APN: 730650001910 | Supplier Code: IC-0852L

Brand: Kestrel | Code: 0852LHVG-LOF
APN: 730650001910 | Supplier Code: IC-0852L

At a glance

  • Great for construction, pouring concrete, balancing HVAC systems, and spraying crops.
  • Waterproof with data logging
  • Evap. rate, air Flow, Delta T & air density
Related Categories Compasses and Clinometers