Any GNSS-device enabled
HxGN SmartNet is an open-standard correction service, able to use with any GNSS device, and is constantly monitored for integrity, availability and accuracy.
World's largest reference station network
HxGN SmartNet is the GNSS correction service built on the world’s largest reference station network, enabling GNSS-capable devices to quickly determine precise positions even down to the centimetre.
Continuous availability
HxGN SmartNet is provided 24/7 by a highly-available infrastructure and professional support team with more than 10 years of experience reliably delivering the service.
Trusted technology
With more than 4,000 reference stations based on Leica Geosystems technology that ensure position accuracy in any application, HxGN SmartNet is easy to use and provides the fastest precise positions.
HxGN SmartNet is a subscription based service offering RINEX file download and GNSS Network RTK corrections throughout Australia.
Providing Australia's largest GNSS RTK Networks available in the market place today, we have partners in all levels of government and private companies supplying GNSS data from their reference stations. This offers a cost effective solution to a wide range of customers including Surveyors, Farmers, GIS users, and Machine control operators
Community approach to establishing a CORS network
- 620+ CORS sites throughout Australia
Coverage NSW
Coverage QLD
- Extensive QLD coverage, 143 sites
- SE QLD, Fitzroy Basin, Townsville, Mackay & Cairns
Coverage - SA
- 43 sites
- Mainly private CORS owners
- 11 GA sites
- Coverage is expanding
- Offer cross border service – SA & VIC
Coverage - Tasmania
- Privately owned CORS, 8 sites
- 9 GA sites
- Predominately Ag usage in north
- Plans to expand coverage
between the main towns
Coverage - WA and NT
- 85 sites, mainly GA
- Coverage is growing
- Focus on expansion around metro Perth
Provide GNSS CORS-based Services via the Internet
- Real-Time Kinematic GNSS Corrections (approx. 2 to 5 cm)
- Differential Code Corrections (approx. 0.5 to 2 m)
- RINEX downloads for Post-Processing (as above)
- Goals of highest Accuracy, Reliability and Availability
Networked CORS corrections, not just single bases
- Offering open standard RTCM messages for greatest interoperability
RTK corrections also supplied in non-proprietary formats
- Provide services to any GNSS manufacturer
Satisfying various Market Segments
- Survey, Construction & Engineering
- Precision Agriculture
- Machine Control & Mining
- Cadastre, GIS, UAVs, ITS & Mapping
- Anyone needing accurate GNSS positioning
and timing
SmartNets around the World
America: 1300+ CORS, across 3 countries
Europe: 2500+ CORS across 19 countries
Russia: 50+ CORS across Russia
Smart Net App
- Ideal for checking Site Status & Rover Credentials in the field
- Network Status & NTRIP port connectivity
- NTRIP login (username, password)
- Mount tables
- Subscription status
- Save: cost of Base Station for RTK – only Rover needed
- Increase RTK coverage: using entire network
- Avoid radio licensing issues (UHF): using cellular Internet instead
- National Service: don’t require license per state
- Consistent co-ordinate system: REG13 on GDA94
- Flexible data formats: manufacturer independent
- Affords full traceability: RINEX available too
- Termed Licenses: easy to budget, no obligation to renew (National, State & Site Specific)
- CORS owners and hosts: incentives to invest / host, community approach to expansion